Secure Your Future.

Personalised Online Tutoring for IB Students

Top IB Tutors • Exclusive IB Materials • IA/TOK/EE Help

Exclusively dedicated to IB students

guaranteeing support through our online tutoring platform

Consistently outstanding results…

Through individualised strategies that build confidence and strengthen academic skills, our students consistently achieve outstanding results.


Grade Improvement


Final IB Score


IA / TOK Points


1st Uni Choice

** based on 2021 - 2023 IBT Graduates Average

Expert tutors driving student success…

Our IB experts are carefully selected for their top scores and deep subject mastery. They offer personalised support, guiding you to achieve academic excellence at every step.

IB Score of 43 - 45

Drawing from their own experiences, they offer unmatched knowledge and guidance on the path to attaining an outstanding IB score.

7 in Taught Subjects

Each tutor has achieved a perfect 7 in the subjects they teach, demonstrating mastery and a deep understanding of their IB content.

2+ Years of Experience

Our tutors have developed their expertise, equipping them with a distinctive understanding of the typical obstacles and difficulties encountered by IB students.

6 Month Training Program

Tutors engage in an intensive training and evaluation process designed to enhance their instructional abilities and align with our high educational standards.

10 000+ hours of IB tutoring experience

Highly skilled specialists dedicated to providing tailored IB support. Learn more about our tutors here

Our Unique Approach:

Expert IB Teachers

All tutors scored 43+ in IB, achieved a 7 in their subjects, and have 2+ years of tutoring experience.

Online Tutoring

Access top-tier IB tutors across Australia from the comfort of home.

Tailored Learning Plans

We create and monitor a plan to ensure you hit your academic targets.

Custom IB Materials

Our tutors utilise tailored IB resources and IBO past papers.

Perfect Your IAs, TOK and EE

Our IA / TOK / EE review service ensures polished, top-grade submissions. You’ll receive:

  1. Detailed feedback on every section

  2. Mark-scheme analysis showing your standing

  3. Actionable steps for improvement

  4. Direct consultation with an IB examiner

Learn more about our IA / TOK / EE Review service here

This is your opportunity.

Our skilled tutors provide tailored support, ensuring that you gain a deep understanding of each subject and successfully reach your academic objectives.

2300+ students helped and counting...

Melbourne’s IB students use us to achieve their IB goals and achieve their potential

  • "...was instrumental in helping me stay organised and confident throughout the IB"

    Amy Robertson

    Albert Park College

    IB Score: 45

  • "The support from my tutor helped me fully grasp difficult concepts in HL Chemistry, making the whole experience much less stressful."

    Liam Jackson


    IB Score: 45

  • "I couldn't have managed my time so effectively without [tutor's] guidance—it really helped me balance my coursework and revision."

    Sarah Davies

    Carey Baptist Grammar School

    IB Score: 44

  • "... structured approach really helped me keep on top of my EE, TOK, and IAs while still finding time to focus on my other subjects."

    Jacob White

    Geelong Grammar School

    IB Score: 41

  • "From revision strategies to subject-specific tutoring, [tutor] was there every step of the way to guide me through the challenges of the IB program."

    Noah Richardson

    Ivanhoe Grammar School

    IB Score: 43